Aldersbrook Medical Centre Working Party Saturday 22nd October 2022

This band of cheerful volunteers from Aldersbrook Horticultural Society and Aldersbrook Medical Centre patients spent a sunny morning adding to the AMC garden.

A special focus was the addition of two roses to the Apothecary’s Garden.

This area of the garden is planted with plants which have health giving properties: such as sage, rosemary, mint, bay, lavender and now two roses.

The two roses are:

1 ) The Herbalist – Dark pink, repeat flowering

2) Nye Bevan* – Pale yellow, perfumed, repeat flowering

*Nye Bevan (Aneurin Bevan 1897 – 1960) The Welsh Labour Party MP who campaigned for a National Health Service. He was Minister of Health 1945 – 1951. The NHS Act was passed in1946 and launched in 1947. Bevan resigned in 1951 when the government voted to bring in charges for dental care, spectacles and prescriptions.

