Summer trip to Sissinghurst Castle and the end of year Garden Party

Instead of the June meeting the AHS held its Annual Summer Trip, this year  to the beautiful garden of Sissinghurst, created by Vita Sackville West and Harold Nicholson and now owned by the National Trust.  Over 70 members and friends went on the visit on a day that started wet but cleared later.  At the May meeting Ruth Martin gave a talk about the history and creation of Sissinghurst so hopefully those members who heard the talk were able to use their knowledge to understand and see how the garden has developed and appreciate its beauty today.

An end of year (that is the horticultural year) social for Aldersbrook Horticultural Society took place on a wet Tuesday evening in July.  However, despite the weather, about 40 members turned out to share food which members brought and Prosecco provided by the AHS.  Although, most of the evening took place indoors, when the sky cleared members were able to admire Theresa Holland’s beautiful garden.  A horticultural quiz was enjoyed by several members and won by Julie Donovan.  Ruth Martin, the chair of AHS, thanked Theresa for hosting the evening and announced the first meeting of the next horticultural year on Tuesday September 10th when Manoj Malde, a leading garden designer and RHS Ambassador will speak.

The Lakehouse and AHS Gardeners

Many months ago, the AHS were approached by Councillor Blackman to garden at the junction of Blake Hall Road/ Blake Hall Crescent / Belgrave Road, on the Lakehouse Estate.

The area, adjacent to the bus stop was regularly being dug up by Thames Water to create a drainage system. The houses next to the site were constantly being flooded.

I went about rounding up a group of volunteers from the Lakehouse Estate to garden the plot. I received a response from 18 people who were interesting in helping.

After much negotiation and paperwork the plot was handed over to us by Simon Stodel, Neighbourhood Engagement and Education Officer of the London Borough of Redbridge.

On Saturday 20 April, thirteen volunteers met at the site. We prepared the plot, sowed the seeds, provided by the LBR and planted a variety of plants brought along by the volunteers.

All in all, a successful morning’s work.

Rosemarie Coffey, Lakehouse Estate and AHS Gardeners.