Beautiful Christmas displays, mulled wine and mince pies.

Sonya Seth Batra

Our Christmas meeting was very well attended by members, despite the icy pavements and freezing temperatures and it was great fun! One of our members, Sonya Seth Batra and her friend Rashmi Bhatt, both skilled floral artists, demonstrated two floral displays for Christmas. Sonya told us about how, as a child, she got involved in flower arranging, but her career as a Doctor and family commitments got in the way and only in her retirement has she taken up flower arranging again. At the beginning of her demonstration, Sonya explained that the display should follow the shape of the receptacle in which the arrangement is to be displayed. The first arrangement in a florist basket was as wide as the basket and as tall as the handle and filled with evergreen foliage and seasonal cones as well as yellow, orange and red blooms. Sonya explained that blooms of those colours are eye catching and good for floral display. The second circular display had at its centre a white candle, surrounded by variegated holly, pine cones and white and yellow blooms. Sonya explained that variegated foliage is good to use as it lightens the display. After the demonstration members made their own displays and they were all beautifully arranged. In the words of one member – “I didn’t realise how a few leaves so artfully placed could look so impressive”. See our gallery page for pictures of our displays. While members were busy making their arrangements they were served with mulled wine and mince pies by committee members. The best mince pies in Aldersbrook were made by committee member, Janet Hayes. A great time was had by all!!

Before the fun part of the meeting began the AGM took place and the Annual Report and Financial Report were unanimously agreed by members present. The officers and committee were elected unopposed.