Aldersbrook Medical Centre Working Party Saturday 22nd October 2022

This band of cheerful volunteers from Aldersbrook Horticultural Society and Aldersbrook Medical Centre patients spent a sunny morning adding to the AMC garden.

A special focus was the addition of two roses to the Apothecary’s Garden.

This area of the garden is planted with plants which have health giving properties: such as sage, rosemary, mint, bay, lavender and now two roses.

The two roses are:

1 ) The Herbalist – Dark pink, repeat flowering

2) Nye Bevan* – Pale yellow, perfumed, repeat flowering

*Nye Bevan (Aneurin Bevan 1897 – 1960) The Welsh Labour Party MP who campaigned for a National Health Service. He was Minister of Health 1945 – 1951. The NHS Act was passed in1946 and launched in 1947. Bevan resigned in 1951 when the government voted to bring in charges for dental care, spectacles and prescriptions.



Coming Soon….

8th November 2022 – Ken Clarke will present a session on House Plants.

13th December 2022 – Sonya Seth Batra will demonstrate how to make a Christmas Floral Decoration and guide us through making one for ourselves.

……and next year

10th January 2023 The Gardens of Wanstead House – Hannah Armstrong

27th January 2023 a coach trip to Hyde Hall

All about meadows.

At our October Meeting we were delighted to welcome Ros Epson to talk to about meadows. Ros is an early adopter of garden meadows having planted one in her garden 20 years ago. Who knew there are so many different types of meadows? Alpine meadows, wet meadows, dry meadows, forest meadows, grass meadows, high meadows, low meadows and even cultivated meadows.

If you would like to plant a meadow in your garden, remove all turf, scarify the soil and then sow your seeds. Watch and wait. When the meadow is established you will need to mow it at the appropriate times, leave the cuttings for two days so the seed falls from the flower heads and then rake up all the cuttings for compost. if this sounds like hard work you could consider buying a sheep or two or a couple of cattle to do the work for you! In summary, a meadow in your garden will make your heart sing with joy, unless you are a garden footballer – in which case stay with grass as a trampled meadow will make you cry.

Judith McCann, Secretary AHS.